Its time to rethink how we view care homes. I am sure that like me, you have memories of visiting relatives in a care home, ushered into the lounge where folk sit around in chairs around the edges of a large room, TV blaring out and little stimulation of any kind. Those days are thankfully gone. The care homes of today are increasingly offering a vastly different service and many are offering more of a community hub with activities and coffee lounges open to anyone.

Your initial reaction maybe what is the catch here to free groups and activities, but there are no catches. The care industry has recognised that the people within their homes want to still have a social life with the community-it is better for their happiness and stimulation. If there are new people to talk to, and things to do, it is more fun for the residents and staff, and it also makes a care home a less scary place to go when the time comes when a carer needs a rest for whatever reason, or when their own home becomes too much to cope with.

Overslade House is keen to open its door to us as a group,  and has already offered us help with training care staff in the area about the need of our members. They run daily activities ranging from cookery, poetry, music, exercise, games and food, which they are offering to our members and carers to join in free of charge. All they ask is that you give them a ring to let them know you are coming, and that if you need help with personal care, your carer comes along with you, although they obviously have staff there as well.

We will post the list of activities on this website here, along with their message:

Overslade House (owned by Barchester Healthcare) is a lovely 5 star care home situated on Overslade Lane in Rugby. It is more than just an 80 bed care home though. With a huge variety of daily activities that engage our residents and wider groups, no day is ever the same. We also have a mini bus to take out residents to local events and activities. Our home has a coffee area which is always stocked up with tea, coffee, and cake, as well as a beauty salon and meeting rooms. These facilities are made widely available to local groups and organisations. Recently we have encouraged our 999 services to have a cuppa and ‘take a break’ with us…. which they are making the most of.

Overslade specialises in Nursing, Respite and Dementia care and boast having more qualified care and nursing staff walking our floors than many of our competitors.  The Memory Lane Communities welcome relatives and local communities, ensuring that individuals with dementia don’t feel isolated.

Our chefs produce daily nutritious meals that are enhancing and extending the lives of our residents. Each meal is prepared with fresh, local produce and is home cooked. Our menu caters for each residents individual needs, and our chefs take part in our regular themed meal events.

Please take a look at some of our forthcoming activities and feel free to contact Overslade should you want to get involved at no cost to yourselves;

TEL 01788 522 577